NetRef is a virtual classroom management software that allows teachers to monitor student internet use during school hours - whether they are with you or working remotely.  

We have licenses for students in 4th through 10th grade

You can:

  • view a students' most recent tabs or screenshots

  • guide students to a specific site

  • restrict students to specific sites

  • keep them off specific sites

  • share a student screen with the class

  • share your screen with students

  • send message to students

  • get reports of student internet use

If you've used NetRef before, some of the features are the same, but there have been some significant updates.  Because scheduling a training is difficult because and to get you using NetRef as quickly as possible, here is what we invite you to do:


  1. Please watch the following 22 minute training video

  2. Review the NetRef Teacher Guide

Then, as needed:

  1. Submit a tech ticket to request a training/local Q&A with your team or department. 

When you're ready to get started:

You can access the teacher dashboard at 

Sign in using your google account.

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